Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to write an effective print ad

Since time immemorial, print ads have had a huge impact on readers. The pattern of advertisement on print has changed drastically over the years. However, it takes immense creativity to come out with an effective print copy.

Write a catchy headline
The headline is the most important part of the ad. The headline makes the first impression on the readers. A catchy headline will grab the reader's attention immediately and compel them to read about your services. A short and crisp headline goes down well with the audience.

Place proper sub-heads
Though not all ads have sub-heads, they are used to draw the attention of readers even further. It imparts secondary information. Shape your sub-heads properly and give specific and precise information so that the copy does not look cluttered.

Develop the body copy
The body copy is the part where you explain in detail about the offer. Keep it brief as far as possible. Generate curiosity among your readers. Do not put the entire details in the copy. Keep it simple and crisp.

Use images, if required
Images can dress up your ad. However, it is vital to ensure that images go hand-in-hand with your copy. You can also use illustrations to give a different look to your ad. Make sure you do not overload your ad with images. Select pleasant and attractive images.

Give a strong call to action
Effectiveads need a strong call to action. Give a robust call to action. Tell customers what they should do after reading your ad. Compel your reader to act immediately. A copy without a call to action is of no use.

Be specific
Effective and memorable ads are specific. They give definite and a persuasive message to customers. Be specific and do not overwhelm readers with too many facts.

Work on the layout and design
A lot depends on the layout and design of the ad. See that the headlines are bold and attractive. Ensure that the fonts are striking. Images must not overlap the body copy and must be consistent. Analyze every detail before the ad goes for print.

Contact information
Always mention the full contact information in your ad. Do not just put a website. Include all possible information through which customers can contact you. Give them all the resources to connect with you.

Effectiveprint advertising is not only about providing information. Your copy must create an appeal for your product and entice customers to buy it.

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